
The Gibraltar Dental Association

Our Objectives:

  1. To promote the interests of dental practitioners and patients in Gibraltar by the provision of quality dentistry.
  2. To advise practitioners on their rights and privileges in Gibraltar, on honourable practice, malpractice, disputed points of practice, and questions of professional usage or courtesy as described by the GDA’s code of conduct.
  3. To co-operate and liaise with and give advice to any committee, institution or body with a view to furthering the interests of members, and to keep the general public informed on current dental issues.
  4. To consider general questions affecting the interests of the profession; to initiate and promote legislation with a view to attaining any object of the Association; to petition the legislature in favour of, or against, any measure affecting dentistry or proposing to make changes in law or practice, and appear in support of any such petition.
  5. To ascertain the requirements of dental practitioners in Gibraltar and to conduct negotiations on their behalf with the Gibraltar Health Authority or any other body to ensure the good management and practice of dentistry.
  6. To encourage the study of dentistry and with that object to establish and maintain, or assist in establishing and maintaining, lectures, classes and exhibitions, either independently of, or in connection with any teaching institution, with the view of improving dental care.
  7. To afford the members facilities for meeting one another and to further links with professional bodies whether in Gibraltar or elsewhere.
  8. To discuss, arrange and implement a professional code of conduct, the observance of which each member shall abide by.



Contact Address

Daniel N Borge BDS MSc MFDS RCS (Eng)


The Borge Dental Medical Centre
138/2A Main Street

